
Social Sparks specialises in helping small to medium businesses maintain their social media presence.

We can help you with

  • setting up your social media accounts
  • managing your linked email account configurations
  • planning a social media strategy
  • creating content for your social media posts (including photo, video and copywriting text)
  • posting to your social media
  • guiding you in best practice when responding to your fanbase
  • responding to your social fanbase on your behalf

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How does it work?

For small businesses, we would recommend setting up one email address for managing your social media accounts.

For example:


If you need help setting up your domain name (the '' part) or the email address, we can help you.

Many small businesses have their websites and email addresses set up by someone else, then lose track of how it's all managed. We can also bring all the information together for you into a single place so that moving forward, you have everything to hand with an easy to understand explanation of how it all works.

The next part is to get stuck into the social media management itself. We have industry-standard research papers offering guidelines for best practice for businesses utilising social media - so you can rest assured you're getting help for your small business that's proved itself in the enterprise world.

We will take a look at your business model - what you do or what you sell - and evaluate the best streams of social media to engage. Working one by one we can set up social media accounts for you - this includes registering a new account under your business email address, setting up the account's profile - its look and feel, profile photos, logos and so on, so it is all ready to go.

Finally, on a case by case basis we can look at creating the content you need. This may mean setting up regular timeslots where we visit you to take photographs, get the latest news and then post on your behalf. Or perhaps you want to send media through to us and let us handle the posting. We can also respond to your customers on your behalf, with your guidance, or you can pick it up from there and run with it.

We can be a source of ongoing help or we can help you get up and running and let you fly with it :)

The next step would be to...

Get in touch!